Thursday, December 22, 2011

EXTRA CREDIT (FINAL CHANCE!) - Questions about the course.

This was done around December 10th  for one of out last extra credit things

1. Which assignment did you ENJOY working on the best? Why?
The slide show of the elements of art and principles of design - I loved going around the city and taking the pictures.
2. Which assignment did you ENJOY working on the least? Why?
 The art curator project I don't like having fellow students grading me
3. How did you like using ANGEL?  Love it. I use it in three out 5 of my classes.

4. If you had the opportunity to change this course:
What would you keep? The structure of the course, the way it progresses
What would you remove? The student evaluations in any way shape or form
What would you add? More monitoring of the discussion boards - we had students posting the questions with no answers and then copying others work. And more student/teacher interaction.  More on current movements in art and current exhibits in the area.  mMore Gallery visits with greater latitude for where we go ( not just local ones)

5. Would you recommend this course to your peers?
  I have reccomended to both my advisors that students take this course with HIS380 ( Intro to Museums) as I found the courses work together "hand in glove"  it really added a lotto both courses for me!
If you are going to do the "Comparitive Religions" part of the course you really should include Christianity in that - not everyone who attends this college is, in fact, Christian and they will not have the frame of refrence that we are expected to develop for Budhist and Islamic art. Also you should not allow students to call other people's beliefs "stupid" and "selfish" as was done during the discussions on Buddist art.  and as a friendly FYI there is a manadala, the same one the video shows, at the Buffalo Museum of Science on permant display - if students want to see it.

6. Please list any other comments you would like to share.  Thanks for working with me so that I did not have to place my photo on the 'net.
Happy Holidays.

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