Monday, November 28, 2011

Week 14 Video response blog

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
The Lowdown on Lowbrow-I learned that some of these artists consider this to be a reaction against the "highbrow" art that they feel doesn't welcome them One artist commented that someone with out a background in Art History would not understand it with out the artist commentary, that may be true in many instances but not all

Displaying Modern Art...I learned that there are things that should nto be grouped together, that they are too much of a stretch together. And that art and history are bound togther for many
I also found the attitude of the curators toward museum visitors to be disconcerting to say the least

Bones of COntention _ this is not a new concept for me, Having a relative who is an anthroplogist this is old news and I followed the debate closely in the 1980's. The results are still being felt in many museums, not just art museums

2. Do the videos relate to the creation of your Art Exhibition project? No If yes, explain how. If no, explain why not. My project would be very different if not for the lowbrow art one,,, but it did take a bit to digest

3. What is your opinion of the films? Do they add depth to understanding of the art concepts you practiced while creating your curation project?

Mt first reaction to lowbrow was not good...I had to have a few days of digesting it to appreciate it
 Tate taught me that art displays tend to have a theme.

Bones - not really since my project will have nothing to do with Bones, but it was interesting

George Eastman - were it not for him we would not be having the pictures we have seen and displayed in this class, he was not the inventor of the camera - but he made it easy and affordable for the masses.( The Brownie),also that themes sometimes can be represnted with in themes

Notes on the videos for the projects
Art Curator...tells the story of the work, interprets the artist's perspective;

Josh Yiu...his job is to increase the collection and inform the public about Chinese Art I really liked this one, speaks about themes and how they can be tenous or not. And also borders and working intuitively

Wayne - speaks about respecting the other curators he works with

Felicity - these shows don't just happen, they start with a proposal that needs to be approved and a LOT of work; curator works with the artists many times ( if they are alive)

Peter - he does everything and anything

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