Wednesday, September 7, 2011

CARTA: Neurobiology Neurology and Art and Aesthetics

 I have never done a video review before so I'll do my best

This video was taken at what appears to be a conference of some sort. The location is unknown to me, it took place in June of 2009.  The topic is how our biology affects our ability to create.  The first speaker, Jean-Pierre Changeux was very difficult to understand as he had a heavy French accent and a tendency to  use French Syntax or insert phrases in French.
   This Speaker talks about how the brain organizes images and proposes rules about this subject and how art is perceived by both artist and viewer. I have to admit that this portion of the video was all but lost to me because of difficulty understanding the speaker.

Vilayanur Ramachandran spoke about the Science of Art and the Universal principals of Art. This section I found absolutely fascinating. The speaker spoke about each of these "rules"
Grouping or Binding
Peak Shift Principal
Isolating a single cue to optimally excite cortical visual areas ( "Attention")
Perceptual problem solving
Abhorrence of unique vantage points and suspicios coincidences
Art as metaphor
 and gave examples of each.

The video gave me a good deal more to think about in terms of aesthetics, art and the universality of the elements art. It also makes me wonder more about Picasso's later works - where they meant to disturb or did something happen like a brain injury that they were so different from his early works?

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